Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 04:30:14 PDT From: Ham-Policy Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Policy-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Policy@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Policy Digest V94 #368 To: Ham-Policy Ham-Policy Digest Thu, 11 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 368 Today's Topics: CW ...IS history! (2 msgs) Isn't Amateur Radio a Hobby? What is wrong with Ham radio Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Policy Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-policy". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 12:19:06 GMT From: gumby!!ncar!!usc!!!!eff!!!ukma!!@ Subject: CW ...IS history! To: In article <> (Alan Wilensky) writes: >Desert Storm, all field ops by SS VHF/UHF. Data via laptops and SS UHF. >Long range via military satallite. That's funny. I thought I listened to "Looking Glass" and some of the KFO with my HF receiver? both RED and GREEN exchanges. Was this just another military trick? :-) 73, C. C. (Clay) Wynn N4AOX ========================================================================= = Cooperation requires participation. Competition teaches cooperation. = ========================================================================= ..._ .. ..._ ._ _ . ._.. . __. ._. ._ .__. .... _.__ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 12:21:48 GMT From: gumby!!ncar!!usc!!!!eff!!!ukma!!@ Subject: CW ...IS history! To: In article <> (Alan Wilensky) writes: >Here's the kicker. Long haul private HF communications between >transoceanic commericail aircraft and their offices, and other aircraft >is done using AMTOR FEC mode. And others. No CW. More strange stuff here! What am I listening to out of Gander Radio on my HF receiver? More military-like tricks by the commercial guys? Come on Alan, do you even have an HF receiver? 73, C. C. (Clay) Wynn N4AOX ========================================================================= = Cooperation requires participation. Competition teaches cooperation. = ========================================================================= ..._ .. ..._ ._ _ . ._.. . __. ._. ._ .__. .... _.__ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 12:08:46 GMT From: ncar!!jobone!ukma!!stc06.CTD.ORNL.GOV!! Subject: Isn't Amateur Radio a Hobby? To: In article <> (Dan Pickersgill) writes: >Out of context and quoted from memory no doubt. Nice try, I am sure that >the new commers to r.r.a.p. are impressed. Since when is quoting a post >supposed to be 'embarrasing'? Or is that an evasion? Actually I didn't do to bad. Just read the succeeding posts of the original author(s). You see, I knew he/she was lurking and this would smoke him/her out. >> >>Well Dan, you have to know something about repeater crossband operation and >>control to appreciate the anecdote. Sorry about that. :-) >Dan (Guess I gotta change my .sig now... How 'bout you?) N8PKV If you desire! 73, C. C. (Clay) Wynn N4AOX ========================================================================= = Cooperation requires participation. Competition teaches cooperation. = ========================================================================= ..._ .. ..._ ._ _ . ._.. . __. ._. ._ .__. .... _.__ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 7 Aug 1994 06:00:00 GMT From:!!!usc!!!!! Subject: What is wrong with Ham radio To: What is wrong with ham radio is that we (I am including myself in "we") are becoming more and more closed minded on how things should be (IMHO). All modes of communications (no matter how out-dated they may appear as long as they insure good operating practices) should be used (spark-gap is of course excluded). None should be deleted and none should be considered the defining mode of operation for amateur radio. What does this mean? The requirements for the various license class must be looked at and changed were needed. Increase the theory .... no problem, increase the depth of understanding of the problem, use a mode of communications to check a persons proficiency of operation.... no problem. Which mode to select...ahhhhhh, there's the rub! IMHO, CW is good since you can easily measure the proficiency in words per minute copy ( shall we also bring back the sending portion?). However, I fully recognize there a MANY other modes of communications available. So how do we measure the proficiency of operation with these modes? I welcome suggestions since I have no idea at present. How about, you select a mode for the test so that your proficiency of operation can be determined? Please note: once you get your license, you ARE NOT (added for emphasis - sorry) restricted to this mode of operation. I would appreicate any feedback (no flames. no name calling... just constructive feedback). I am sure that I may have over looked something or someone...if I did sorry...please correct me. Have a nice day! These are my opinions. Thank you for all your kind responses (in advance) 73 Bruce Micales WA2DEU P.S. The other elements of amateur radio also must not be forgotten ..public service, advancing the state of the art, international goodwill, and increasing ones personal knowledge. Just my two cents Thanks Bruce Micales WA2DEU ------------------------------ End of Ham-Policy Digest V94 #368 ******************************